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Study of the Corrosion of High Alumina Refractories by Al_2O_3-CaO Slag as a Reactive Impregnation Mechanism
【文件类型】 【消费金额】1.2 【文章页数】4 【会员操作】  
【文章作者】Emmanuel DE BILBAO;Mathieu DOMBROWSKI;Jacques POIRIER;
【文章摘要】      The corrosion of refractories results from reactive transport,namely,transport of agents and chemical reactions of these agents with impregnated medium. On one hand,the transport involves either diffusion or impregnation depending on the state of the corrosive agents and the microstructure of the host media. On the other hand,chemical reactions may be very numerous and complex.This study focused on the reactive impregnation of Al2O3- CaO slag into porous high alumina refractory. The transport properties of the refractory material were identified by means of a dedicated capillary rising test. Chemical reactions between the solid high alumina skeleton and Al2O3- CaO slag involve successive dissolution / precipitation mechanisms forming aluminates of lime. Contrary to the thermodynamic properties of the binary system,the kinetics of these solid / liquid reactions is not well known.Corrosion tests associated with the quenching method,XRD analyses were performed for a better understanding of the kinetics. The results of this study open up a coupling approach for predicting the corrosion wear of refractory.
【关 键 字】
【期刊】China's Refractories【卷】【ISSUE】【ISSUEID】    【文章期份】2015    【发布日期】2015/4/9 0:00:00    点击率:1    打印    关闭
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