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Mines Celebrates the Life of Mr. Niobrara of the High Plains
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【文章摘要】      John Lockridge's contributions to the Colorado School of Mines and the petroleum geology industry are unparalleled and rare, much like the geological discovery that gave him a reputation as a groundbreaking explorer and earned him the nickname "Mr. Niobrara of the High Plains." John grew up in the small town of Marshall, Missouri, with a family who placed great value on higher education. It was expected that John would attend college, like his four older siblings. But when John came of age, the college savings had been spent, so his father gave him $25 for bus fare to the school of his choice.
【关 键 字】
【卷】106 【ISSUE】1 【ISSUEID】741B0002     【文章期份】2016    【发布日期】2016/8/11 17:03:29    点击率:0    打印    关闭
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