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【文章摘要】      <正> The characteristics of a staged bubble column can be described by a multi-stage backmixing model,provided: (1) Each stage can be considered as a perfect mixing reactor,and (2) The backmixing coeffi-cients do not vary with time and reactant concentrations.Experimental results indicate that the first conditionis approached under certain conditions,while the second assumption is correct.Studies were made using steady state chemical tracer method to determine the backmixing coefficientsof each plate between stages.The fluid flow through the holes of perforatcd plates is a stochastic process.From the statistical point,the experimental data could be correlated by semicmpirical equation developed.This equation can also be used to correlate the data reported by Nishiwaki for bubble column with plateshaving high percentage of opening area and large size holes between stages.Continuous oxidation of unsaturated sulfur compounds (mainly in the form of thiosulfatc and also somein polythionate form) in nickel ammonium carbonate solution were carried out in bubble columns with heightof 3400mm and diameters of 36 mm and 100mm respectively.The oxidation has to be taken in a multistagebubble column for high degree of oxidation.The axial concentration of unsaturated sulfur compoundsalong a multi-stage bubble column can be calculated from the backmixing model and the kinetic equationof oxidation.Results of calculation agree with the data taken along the column height.Equation was alsodeveloped to calculate the optimum temperatures of oxidation which agree favorably with the experimentalresults.
【关 键 字】
【期刊】Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering【卷】【ISSUE】【ISSUEID】    【文章期份】1982    【发布日期】2006/10/17 0:00:00    点击率:1    打印    关闭
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