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Study on co-cracking performance of different hydrocarbon mixture in a steam pyrolysis furnace
【文件类型】 【消费金额】3.3 【文章页数】11 【会员操作】  
【文章作者】Benfeng Yuan;Jinlong Li;Wenli Du;Feng Qian;
【文章摘要】      Co-cracking is a process where the mixtures of different hydrocarbon feedstocks are cracked in a steam pyrolysis furnace, and widely adopted in chemical industries. In this work, the simulations of the co-cracking of ethane and propane, and LPG and naphtha mixtures have been conducted, and the software packages of COILSIM1 D and Sim CO are used to account for the cracking process in a tube reactor. The effects of the mixing ratio, coil outlet temperature, and pressure on cracking performance have been discussed in detail. The co-cracking of ethane and propane mixture leads to a lower profitability than the cracking of single ethane or single propane. For naphtha, cracking with LPG leads to a higher profitability than single cracking of naphtha, and more LPG can produce a higher profitability.
【关 键 字】
【期刊】Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering【卷】【ISSUE】【ISSUEID】    【文章期份】2016    【发布日期】2017/2/18 0:00:00    点击率:1    打印    关闭
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