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Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of an Fe–18Ni–16Cr–4Al base alloy during aging at 950°C
【文件类型】 【消费金额】2.7 【文章页数】9 【会员操作】  
【文章作者】Man Wang;Yong-duo Sun;Jing-kai Feng;Rui-qian Zhang;Rui Tang;Zhang-jian Zhou;
【文章摘要】      The development of Gen-IV nuclear systems and ultra-supercritical power plants proposes greater demands on structural materials used for key components. An Fe–18Ni–16Cr–4Al(316-base) alumina-forming austenitic steel was developed in our laboratory. Its microstructural evolution and mechanical properties during aging at 950°C were investigated subsequently. Microstructural changes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. Needle-shaped NiA l particles begin to precipitate in austenite after ageing for 10 h, whereas round NiA l particles in ferrite are coarsened during aging. Precipitates of NiA l with different shapes in different matrices result from differences in lattice misfits. The tensile plasticity increases by 32.4% after aging because of the improvement in the percentage of coincidence site lattice grain boundaries, whereas the tensile strength remains relatively high at approximately 790 MPa.
【关 键 字】
【期刊】【卷】【ISSUE】【ISSUEID】    【文章期份】2016    【发布日期】2016/3/21 0:00:00    点击率:1    打印    关闭
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